Over the last few years I’ve been studying a Diploma in Photography. One of those Assignments was to create a portfolio, I choose ‘Abstract Aerial Photography’ as my concept. Here’s what happend.
Images taken in Wanaka, New Zealand. July 2021

Over the last few years I’ve been studying a Diploma in Photography. One of those Assignments was to create a portfolio, I choose ‘Abstract Aerial Photography’ as my concept. Here’s what happend.
Images taken in Wanaka, New Zealand. July 2021
I've re-discovered the joys of my DSLR, its been tucked away for the past year which is a shame because its a really nice camera. But anyway I remember playing about with some HDR photos (High Dynamic Range images) before I tucked it away and I've got the bug again. I'm going to give myself a wee project to document Wanaka in HDR so watch this space I'll hopefully get some photos up. If you have no idea what HDR is, and to be honest i'm still figuring out what its all about, here is a before and after image which I took working in Queenstown and fiddled about with it to give the effect of an HDR image. Its not a true HDR image mind, it was a single shot taken on my compact camera but you can get the idea...even if it is 'over done'