A short overnight camp heading up the Motatapu Track through the magical Beech Forests of the Stack Conservation Area and onto Fern Burn Hut. The great thing about this track is that it starts only a short drive from Wanaka, and probably the nearest DOC hut to town - but not necessarily the easiest to access! The walk begins through open farmland, alongside the Fern Burn Creek, before steadily reaching the outskirts of the Native Beech Forests, which to me is the best part of the track - especially in 25ºC+ heat! We stopped for a cheeky dip in one of the swim holes before continuing on over the ever steepening and narrowing track which finally leads us into the open exposed tussocks and onto the hut.
Crew: Lee, Allan, Anna, Kristi, Doug, Hannah, Nils, Tammy, Carol. 3 Hour each way. 24-25th January 2015