Pisa Range Cross Country MTB

I'm not sure why I haven't headed up to Pisa Range until now for some Cross Country MTB action because it really is something else. Long climbs, exposed ridges, open plains, steep descents, rocky trails, unpredictable weather...what more do you want for a days riding? So for our first ride we decided to head straight to the top - Mt Pisa itself. The idea was to complete "The Big Easy" circuit, but due to private land issues we decide to change route slightly and follow the public access trails. We started at Snow Farm base building and headed direct to Mt Pisa (1963m) following the cross country/farm tracks. This was a long climb, but worth every minute because there on in the ride is pretty much all downhill...to which we all agreed was the longest, fastest mountain decent we have tackled in NZ and you can see why the area holds the title for NZ longest downhill heli biking descent. Unfortunately I only had my camera phone for pictures!



First delayer!

First delayer!

Fun downhill

Fun downhill

Pump up

Pump up

Nice hat!

Nice hat!

Waiting game

Waiting game





Lake Hawea & Wanaka

Lake Hawea & Wanaka

Lunch at Lake McKay

Lunch at Lake McKay

Lake McKay

Lake McKay

Fresh wind

Fresh wind

View from Pisa down the otherside

View from Pisa down the otherside

Andy final push

Andy final push

Whoo big climb over

Whoo big climb over

Mt Pisa in the distance

Mt Pisa in the distance

Up up up

Up up up

Crew: Lee, Doug, Rory, Andy. 32km 5hrs. 21st February 2015